{ "name": "ExportTaxMapToFile", "displayName": "Export Tax Map to File", "description": "", "category": "", "helpUrl": "https://www.wcgis.us/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/Upgrade/ExportTaxMapToFile_UPGRADE_GPServer/Upgrade_ExportTaxMapToFile_UPGRADE/ExportTaxMapToFile.htm", "executionType": "esriExecutionTypeSynchronous", "parameters": [ { "name": "muni_name", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Municipality Name", "description": "Name of the municipality associated with the tax map and the name displayed on the exported map.", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "East Huntingdon", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "tax_numbers", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Tax Map Number", "description": "Tax map number used to locate and zoom to the necessary tax map grid cell in the template map document.", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "47010000", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "file_ext_type", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Export File Extension", "description": "File extension used to save the map file as.", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "JPG", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "", "choiceList": [ "BMP", "JPG", "PDF", "PNG" ] } ] }